Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click on any question to reveal the answer.

How do I schedule my physical exam appointment?

Go to the Schedule Appointment page and select the type of exam you need to schedule. Follow the on-screen instructions.

If you are unable to schedule on-line, you may call the clinic at 209-839-4550.

How do I schedule my drug test?

Not through us!

The Clinic does not determine who needs a drug test, nor does the Clinic schedule or perform drug testing. You will need to contact your Human Resources representative to arrange/schedule your drug test.


What does a pre-hire exam involve?

This is what to expect when you arrive for your exam...

Phase 1 - The Receptionist or Medical Assistant will ask you to sign several forms including a privacy act statement, a consent for the agility/musculoskeletal testing, and an SF78 - which details the physical/functional requirements of the position. Then the Medical Assistant will perform the following tests:

• Vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respirations, temperature, height, and weight)
• Vision screening (near, far, color, depth, and peripheral vision)
• Hearing test
• Urinalysis (NOTE: This is NOT for drug testing. Drug testing, if required, is done by a separate entity and the clinic is not involved in that process)

Other special tests
may be performed depending on the position requirements including:
• Electrocardiogram (Police and Fire - or if indicated)
• Pulmonary Function Test (Police, Fire, and Respirator users - or if indicated)
• Blood work (Fire and Police - or if indicated)
• TB skin test (Fire and cafeteria workers only)

Phase 2 - A medical examination is conducted by the Clinician. The medical examination includes:

• A comprehensive review of an applicant's medical history
• A review of all surgeries, hospitalizations, illnesses, injuries, medications, lifestyle habits (e.g. tobacco, alcohol use) and general health issues
• A thorough examination of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat, neck, chest, lungs, heart, abdomen, back, arms and legs, skin, lymph nodes, and the neurological, endocrine, and vascular systems
• Evaluation of the musculoskeletal function for appearance, tenderness, range of motion, strength, sensation, and reflexes.
• A hernia check (males only)

NOTE: Your exam will
not include a rectal, pelvic, or breast exam.

Phase 3 - A Clinic Assistant will administer an Agility Test/Musculoskeletal Evaluation

• Step test
• Floor exercises
• Lift and carry

See next question for full details about Agility Testing/Musculoskeletal Evaluation

What is the Agility Test/Musculoskeletal Evaluation?

There are 3 main components to the Agility Test/Musculoskeletal Evaluation

1) Step Test
This is a test to measure cardiovascular endurance as well as strength and range of motion of the legs, hips, knees, and ankles. Also serves as a warm-up for the remainder of the activities.

The step height is determined by the height of the applicant.
Individuals under 5' 4" tall will use a 12" step.
Individuals 5' 4" or taller will use a 14" step.

A metronome is used to set a pace of 25 steps per minute for individuals under 40 yrs of age and 24 steps per minute for individuals 40 years of age or older.

The applicant steps up and down at the pre-determined pace for 3 minutes. At the end of 3 minutes the applicant sits down and their heart rate is measured. Then the applicant is asked to remain seated and rest for 1 minute and the heart rate is measured again. This determines the recovery heart rate which is a method of evaluating cardiovascular health.
2) Floor exercises
These tests help assess:
• how well the back and abdominal muscles work together
• muscular endurance for lifting, pulling, twisting, etc.
• strength, range of motion, flexibility of upper back, shoulders, elbows, and wrists

NOTE: There is not a specific minimum number required as all components of the test are used in combination to determine evaluation outcome.

Back Extensions
Lie flat on belly with arms down at sides, palms facing up
Keeping neck in a neutral position, lift the upper body off the mat and then return to the flat position. Perform as many of these as possible in 1 minute.


Lie on back with knees bent and arms at sides flat on the floor. Lift the upper body to approximately 45 degrees (a measurement is done to help with this) and return to the mat. Perform as many of these as possible in 1 minute.

To start - lie flat on belly with hands flat on ground approximately shoulder-width apart. Applicant may do these on the knees or the toes or may switch at any time*. As long as the back remains straight - do not sway the back and do not stick the buttocks up in the air.
Push up with arms to fully extended position (without locking elbows) and then lower down to elbows at a 90 angle to the floor. Perform as many of these as possible in 1 minute.

* Police and Fire are required to do these on the toes

3) Lift/Carry
Proper lifting technique instruction is given, demonstrated and then performed by the applicant before any weight is lifted. Lifting technique is evaluated and corrected if necessary.

Maximum Lift
Starting with 10-20 pounds and added in 5-10 pound increments up to the maximum weight required for the position plus 5 pounds or what the applicant can safely lift - whichever is less.
Example: SF78 states a 45 pound lifting requirement - the applicant will be asked to lift/carry 50 pounds.
If the applicant can't safely lift the extra 5 pounds it does not reflect negatively on their results as long as they can lift the maximum for the position.


Repetitive Lift/Carry
Once the maximum weight is established and good lifting technique obtained, the applicant must
• Lift the weight from the floor to waist level and carry 10 ft.
• Set the weight down on a waist level shelf
• Pick up from waist level and carry 10ft back to starting point
• Set weight back down to the floor.

This is repeated 10 times and is not timed.

Over shoulder lift
Applicant has to lift a 10 pound weight above shoulder/head level and bring down to below waist, then back up.

This is repeated 10 times.


The applicant may drink water, have restroom breaks, or a reasonable break between exercises. The applicant is responsible for telling the test administrator if he/she is experiencing any pain or problems during the testing.

If, at any time, the test administrator feels that it is unsafe to continue testing - the testing will be stopped. For safety reasons, this is entirely at the discretion of the test administrator and/or clinic staff.

There are additional testing requirements for Police and Fire applicants which are not detailed here.

Can I do the push-ups first and get them out of the way?

Sorry, but no.

All of the Agility Test/Musculoskeletal tests are done in the order they are in for a reason and cannot be changed.

What if I don't pass - can I re-test?

The decision to allow a re-test lies solely with the Human Resources department. There are many factors that will determine if a re-test is possible and will be scheduled if approved by Human Resources.

Why is a urine sample required if it's not used for drug testing?

A urine dipstick is done to check for glucose, blood, white blood cells, protein, nitrates, pH, ketones, bilirubin, urobilinogen, and specific gravity.

This is a screening test for general health issues, such as diabetes, infection, and dehydration.


How is medical clearance determined?

The final medical clearance is determined by the Occupational Health Physician.

All of the tests, exam findings, and medical history contribute to the final medical clearance. Usually, the applicant is informed before they leave if they are medically qualified. However, sometimes more information or further review is required and the applicant will be informed of the status as soon as the determination is made.

The clinic provides the required paperwork to Human Resources as soon as possible after the exam. Usually within 24 hours but occasionally it may take longer.

Why do I need to bring photo I.D., car registration, and insurance?

DDJC is a Federal facility and anyone wanting to enter must provide a photo I.D. (like a valid drivers' license).

If you wish to drive your vehicle on the Depot then you must show that your vehicle is appropriately registered and insured. If you do not have this, you may be told to park outside the gate and walk to the clinic. The walk from the gate is less than 5 minutes.

If you don't have a valid drivers' license you can contact the Pass & ID office to ask what other types of I.D. are acceptable.

Pass & ID Office

Where is the clinic and how do I get there?

The clinic is located on-site at the Tracy Defense Depot.

25600 S Chrisman Rd
Building 235
Tracy, CA 95304

If you are coming from Manteca/Stockton/Sacramento

• I-5 South
• Take the Tracy exit (just past the turn-off for 205W)
- The Tracy exit will put you on 11th Street
• Continue on 11th Street for approximately 3 miles
• Turn left on Chrisman Rd.
• The main gate will be about 1 mile down on your left

If you are coming from Livermore/Pleasanton/East Bay

• 205E
• Take the 11th Street exit
• Stay on 11th Street through town
• Turn right on Chrisman Rd.
• The main gate will be about 1 miles down on your left


How long does the exam process take?

Most exams are completed in 60-90 minutes but may occasionally take up to 2 hours.

The Occupational Health Clinic is responsible for all medical services at the Tracy Depot. Therefore, if someone with an injury or a significant medical problem presents to the clinic they would take priority over exams. This may cause a delay for an applicant.

I have high blood pressure or diabetes. Will that disqualify me?

If your medical condition is well-controlled and does not pose a safety issue, it is usually not a problem.

The work at the Tracy Depot is very physical and strenuous and may involve safety sensitive tasks (such as forklift or other materials handling equipment), depending on the position. The physical exam process helps to insure that individuals can safely perform this type of work.

The Agility Test/Musculoskeletal Evaluation (much like the actual work) is quite strenuous and if an applicant has an uncontrolled medical condition, they may not be able to perform this testing. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.

What is different for Police Officer applicants?

Police officer applicants are required to complete the Medical History Form and the OSHA Respirator Questionnaire.

The exam includes all the basic pre-hire exam tests plus the following:
Pulmonary Function Test
Blood work

The Agility Test/Musculoskeletal Evaluation is very similar to the basic pre-hire with the following changes/additions:
• Full sit-ups instead of crunches - for 2 minutes
• Push-ups on the toes - for 2 minutes
• Grip strength and trigger strength
• Lunges
• Overhead pulley

The Police applicants are required to perform a 1.5 mile run and a minimum of 19 push-ups. However, the run is not administered by the Clinic staff. Once you have been medically cleared, the Police training Captain will contact you to schedule the run.

What is different for Firefighter applicants?

Firefighter applicants are required to complete the Medical History Form and the OSHA Respirator Questionnaire.

The exam includes all the basic pre-hire exam tests plus the following:
Pulmonary Function Test
Blood work
TB skin test

The Agility Test/Musculoskeletal Evaluation is very similar to the basic pre-hire with the following changes/additions:
• Full sit-ups instead of crunches - for 1 minutes
• Push-ups on the toes - for 1 minutes
There may be additional physical standards that need to be met, but those are conducted by the Fire Department and are not part of the pre-hire physical exam process.

What happens after I complete my exam?

After the exam is completed, the clinic sends the necessary paperwork to the Human Resources department.

All personnel decisions, such as official job offers, are done by Human Resources. If you completed your exam and you have not heard from Human Resources within one week, you should contact your HR representative to check your status.

I live far away or out-of-state. How do I get my exam done?

The Clinic does not make these arrangements. You will need to contact your Human Resources representative to assist you with this.

What if I decline the position after I've already scheduled my exam?

If you decline the job after you've already scheduled the exam, it would be appreciated if you would contact the clinic to cancel your appointment so that appointment slot can be used for another applicant.

Where can I get information about the Swine Flu (H1N1)?

The most current information about the Swine Flu (H1N1) can be found on the Centers for Disease Control website.

If your questions are not answered here, please feel free to contact the clinic.